Thursday, July 10, 2008

Stephenie Meyer Owns Our Soul

Hey all you fanatics, bloggers and just plain "happen bys",

Welcome to Plots of "the" Plot, if you've read our entry under the title, you know what we do, kudoos to you. Although, even if you know what we do, you don't know why we do it. So, I would advise you read the following, although a lot of it might sound, look and be exactly like what's written above...we've given it a few twists, like added some commas and a few smiley faces...that kinda stuff. =D

We are a group of readers, that in the event that a writer is taking to long to publish their next novel, take their job upon us. Yes, we impersonate them, try and write what we think their plot will be, who will die and who is kissing who. = {|} (It's a chick with big lips, not a monkey, as some of my fellow readers might like to believe...i would never kiss a monkey that looked like that..not that I kissed this...I mean...yeah...chick with big lips.) Anyway, that's basically it, two bored teenagers, who've read all there is to read and have nothing better to do than imagine what they might be reading in the future. We get a thrill out of creating our own plots with existing characters we know and love and hate and then love again...and so forth. Then when the books finally out, our imaginations crumble as we read what really happened and realize how worthless we are compared to these great writers. What can I say, we just can't beat them and even if our plot is better....we just love those darn authors too much... *stares at posters of Stephenie Meyer on the wall*...wwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyy too much.

Recently, there has been an event, where an author has taken way too long to put out her next novel. Even though it's a matter of months since the latest book, let's just say, she's dearly loved. The next book is set to come out August 2, but who can wait that long!? I mean seriously! It's the 10th of JULY!? Pssshhh, no one in their "write" mind, could wait that long without some serious stimulation. So, that's what we're providing, our own fantasies of what could happen, to pass the time. You all know what book we're talking about, you all can't wait for the title to appear on screen, dying to read that name one more time. So, if you don't mind giving us a drum roll.....THE BOOK IS....
*DUN dun DUN...DUN doo doo...LA LA*


Ahhhh...the very sound of it gives me the chills....
We won't make you wait any longer, the next series of posts will be our plots of "the" plot, Numbered and put in order of...whatever came first in our read on you conspiracy'll love it.


Anonymous said...

you guys this stuff is awsome!
now i REALLY wonder what is going to happen in breaking dawn!!

Anonymous said...