Monday, July 14, 2008

Plot#2--Jake crashes the wedding(*gasp* "how rude!)

The run down of Plot #2
Running a little slow on the writing portion, but these plots are flying out. Will be updated, but this is basically what will happen in plot 2.

Scene: Wedding
Bella and Edward, ready and up front.
We review the audience, The Cullens, Bella's Family, Friends and Different People from the reservation.
Note is made that Jacob Black has not arrived, Bella doubts and hopes that he won't show.
Too bad.
Wedding continues and Jake, like an romance junkie, waits until the guy says "If anyone objects to this couple being wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Realizing that forever, was in fact forever in his case.
Jacob enters through the back.
"I OBJECT!" he shouts, striding towards the front.
Bella is shocked, Jake is a mess, obviously he didn't see it important to dress up for the occasion, let alone bathe.
"Not now Jacob." Edward scowls.
(That is our universal theme for all the plots for Breaking dawn. No time. Edward brings up the point in several times in each plot, along with several other characters. When really this should be the beginning of everything. It seems like an end. A perfect theme for a last book.)
Jacob starts fighting, rilling up everyone else. Trying to explain to Bella why she shouldn't marry Edward, while diving around the fact that he's a vampire. As not to alert everyone else in the room.
Jake works solely on Bella and Edward, while Billy is focused on Charlie and so on, it quickly gets tense.
Carlisle and jasper try to calm everybody but they cant get everybody calm at the same time.
It's not going well.
Then Alice runs up to Edward and stares at him with a determined look on her face.
They start arguing.
While, Bella starts yelling back at Jake about "this is the only way" tears filling her eyes.
Well, Jake will be Jake. So he thinks she is just saying that so he argues back and takes it too far.
All of Bella's family and friends are confused.
Edward gets in front of Bella and Jake threatens him that he'll prove it.
Then Edward threatens Jake.
And Jake is all like "Bring it on!"
Edward growls "not here"
Bella objects "NO!"
Jake ignores her and is like "what, you scared?"
just then Charlie comes in trying to break up the fight.
"No, no one is fighting here or anywhere else. this is a wedding and it is going to go just as planned, now, lets all calm down and take our seats like regular human beings!"
Jake" he can't, he's not human"
Charlie "What are you all talking about? You know what? I don't care what you all think, you what I say. I say, I don't care if he is a duck man that came from the beach! If Bella thinks he is worth it then he is! so if you want to ruin my daughters wedding, so help me..." just then Jake starts trembling.
He's loosing the fight.
Jake runs out of the building, trembling from head to toe.

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