Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Plot #1 (Continued)-The Slide

"Well, then it seems like there's no time at all then, right?" he accused, "I can't let you go in there."

Edward, now on all-fours, snapped, "I guess we're going to have to do it right here then."

Bella watched the two stare at each other, locked, waiting for the other to make a move.

"What is he doing!? Right here?! Is he crazy?" Bella wondered, "What's he planning?"

Bella couldn't help but relate the scene to every action film she'd ever seen. The two were so close to each other, their breath mingled, but they didn't touch. It was as if they were planning the fight in there heads, already locked in deaths grip. She couldn't take it any longer.

"STOP IT!" Bella screamed, so loud that everyone froze, except Edward.

He turned.

Bella choked, she understood, now all she had to do was wait. It was going to be fast, too fast to really comprehend, but time always chooses the wrong moments to speed up and slow down.

The whole scene passed slowly before her eyes, everyone’s frightened expressions, Emmet nodding, Jakes furry, Edwards...smile.

Yes, big and wide, coming at her closer and closer, she could almost touch him. She could feel his breath on her neck...."now's good" She thought.

Then it moved away. "No, wait!" Was her mind playing tricks on her? She reached out hoping to catch him, pull him back, but he was gone.

A growl, howling….fighting? What was going on? Where was she? She slid her hand across the ground, feeling for anything that might give her answers. Why don’t you just open your eyes? Oh, yeah, huh? She was on the ground next to Alice’s Porsche, why was she there? Why was she laying down?...she started to stand up, she couldn’t see anything past the car.

“OW!” Bella gasped, “What…”

Someone had pushed her down, “Shutup!” Alice whispered, cutting her off, “Keep down.”

“What’s going on!?” Bella insisted, “Where is everyone? Why am I down here?”

“You fainted.” Alice explained, “We’ve got get you away, before everyone notices you’re gone."

"Wait, I what?" Bella muttered, "What happened?"

"You fainted Bella, right at the best part! Edward turned around and boom, you were out like a light!" Alice smiled slyly, "Let me say, he can start a fight, Jacob really thought he was going to change you, right then and there.” She stifled a laugh.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she thought to herself, “the moment you’ve been waiting for…and you faint?!”

Bella turned back to Alice, disgusted with herself, “What now?”

“Like I said,” Alice Replied, “We’ve got to get you out of here.”


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow seriously u guys, u r the BOMB!! lol!! catherine will luv this!!