Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Plot #1 (Continued)-The Slide

"Well, then it seems like there's no time at all then, right?" he accused, "I can't let you go in there."

Edward, now on all-fours, snapped, "I guess we're going to have to do it right here then."

Bella watched the two stare at each other, locked, waiting for the other to make a move.

"What is he doing!? Right here?! Is he crazy?" Bella wondered, "What's he planning?"

Bella couldn't help but relate the scene to every action film she'd ever seen. The two were so close to each other, their breath mingled, but they didn't touch. It was as if they were planning the fight in there heads, already locked in deaths grip. She couldn't take it any longer.

"STOP IT!" Bella screamed, so loud that everyone froze, except Edward.

He turned.

Bella choked, she understood, now all she had to do was wait. It was going to be fast, too fast to really comprehend, but time always chooses the wrong moments to speed up and slow down.

The whole scene passed slowly before her eyes, everyone’s frightened expressions, Emmet nodding, Jakes furry, Edwards...smile.

Yes, big and wide, coming at her closer and closer, she could almost touch him. She could feel his breath on her neck...."now's good" She thought.

Then it moved away. "No, wait!" Was her mind playing tricks on her? She reached out hoping to catch him, pull him back, but he was gone.

A growl, howling….fighting? What was going on? Where was she? She slid her hand across the ground, feeling for anything that might give her answers. Why don’t you just open your eyes? Oh, yeah, huh? She was on the ground next to Alice’s Porsche, why was she there? Why was she laying down?...she started to stand up, she couldn’t see anything past the car.

“OW!” Bella gasped, “What…”

Someone had pushed her down, “Shutup!” Alice whispered, cutting her off, “Keep down.”

“What’s going on!?” Bella insisted, “Where is everyone? Why am I down here?”

“You fainted.” Alice explained, “We’ve got get you away, before everyone notices you’re gone."

"Wait, I what?" Bella muttered, "What happened?"

"You fainted Bella, right at the best part! Edward turned around and boom, you were out like a light!" Alice smiled slyly, "Let me say, he can start a fight, Jacob really thought he was going to change you, right then and there.” She stifled a laugh.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she thought to herself, “the moment you’ve been waiting for…and you faint?!”

Bella turned back to Alice, disgusted with herself, “What now?”

“Like I said,” Alice Replied, “We’ve got to get you out of here.”

Monday, July 14, 2008

Plot#2--Jake crashes the wedding(*gasp* "how rude!)

The run down of Plot #2
Running a little slow on the writing portion, but these plots are flying out. Will be updated, but this is basically what will happen in plot 2.

Scene: Wedding
Bella and Edward, ready and up front.
We review the audience, The Cullens, Bella's Family, Friends and Different People from the reservation.
Note is made that Jacob Black has not arrived, Bella doubts and hopes that he won't show.
Too bad.
Wedding continues and Jake, like an romance junkie, waits until the guy says "If anyone objects to this couple being wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Realizing that forever, was in fact forever in his case.
Jacob enters through the back.
"I OBJECT!" he shouts, striding towards the front.
Bella is shocked, Jake is a mess, obviously he didn't see it important to dress up for the occasion, let alone bathe.
"Not now Jacob." Edward scowls.
(That is our universal theme for all the plots for Breaking dawn. No time. Edward brings up the point in several times in each plot, along with several other characters. When really this should be the beginning of everything. It seems like an end. A perfect theme for a last book.)
Jacob starts fighting, rilling up everyone else. Trying to explain to Bella why she shouldn't marry Edward, while diving around the fact that he's a vampire. As not to alert everyone else in the room.
Jake works solely on Bella and Edward, while Billy is focused on Charlie and so on, it quickly gets tense.
Carlisle and jasper try to calm everybody but they cant get everybody calm at the same time.
It's not going well.
Then Alice runs up to Edward and stares at him with a determined look on her face.
They start arguing.
While, Bella starts yelling back at Jake about "this is the only way" tears filling her eyes.
Well, Jake will be Jake. So he thinks she is just saying that so he argues back and takes it too far.
All of Bella's family and friends are confused.
Edward gets in front of Bella and Jake threatens him that he'll prove it.
Then Edward threatens Jake.
And Jake is all like "Bring it on!"
Edward growls "not here"
Bella objects "NO!"
Jake ignores her and is like "what, you scared?"
just then Charlie comes in trying to break up the fight.
"No, no one is fighting here or anywhere else. this is a wedding and it is going to go just as planned, now, lets all calm down and take our seats like regular human beings!"
Jake" he can't, he's not human"
Charlie "What are you all talking about? You know what? I don't care what you all think, you what I say. I say, I don't care if he is a duck man that came from the beach! If Bella thinks he is worth it then he is! so if you want to ruin my daughters wedding, so help me..." just then Jake starts trembling.
He's loosing the fight.
Jake runs out of the building, trembling from head to toe.

Plot #3--The big day

"I cant breath"
"That's because your holding your breath, breath"
I took a deep breath and let it out.
"Now, stop moving your head or I'll put you in a head lock."
"I cant help it! I don't think a human head is supposed to hold this much hairpins!"
"Stop whining. I don't remember being human so don't ruin it for me!"
Alice just laughed and put another hundred or so pins in my hair.
"It's about time"
Alice laughed her musical laugh and helped me up.

"Okay, let me think for a second,"
I looked at myself in the mirror.
It was not right, it was a horror movie in action.

"I cant believe I let you do this to me! what was I thinking?"
"You have less than 10 minutes before you get to walk down the isle, so put your happy face on a lets go greet your guests."
"Fine," I turned and headed out the door. "50 years, Alice, 50 years until your forgiven."
"Wait! I almost forgot you flowers!" almost, I was so close, almost.
"Alice, do I really need flowers? I mean I already have a garden on top of my head!"
"You have to have them and that's final!"
"Wheres my mom? I need to talk to her."
"She is getting in the dress I picked out for her, now we all match!"
I needed to know what she was thinking! how could she let Alice torture her, too?!
I wonder where Edward is.
As I was walking down the hall I heard her in her room talking to someone.

"Oh, hi honey. you look beautiful!"
"Thanks, you look good, too"
She was wearing a long, pastel pink dress with straps and a ribbon tied around her waist.
Rene`e's dress had a floral pattern in the skirt and the straps were covered in little plastic roses.
"Thanks. I had no choice."
"Why did you let her do this to you? did she do this to anybody else?"
She sighed and said
"Everybody else she could. Alice wouldn't let us do anything else. Every time we tried, she all but ripped our throats out."

to be continued...

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Bella and Edward get married as planned and go to the Vultari to change Bella.
Jake is still a wolf and he fallows them to Rome so he can surprise them and object to Bella getting changed.
The Vultari catch him and are about to kill him but Jane wants to change him instead.
she tries to explain to the others that having him would be a benefit.
Jake says he would rather die than be changed. so they just lock him up so they can make a decision.

When Bella and Edward finally come to see the Vultari Edward hears Jake's thoughts and tells Bella that they need to go.
"Because they already have company."


"someone fallowed us and got caught"


"not now, we have to go, now"

" Edward, tell me who it is!"

"Bella, not now we have to go!"

Bella just stood there with a frustrated look on her face
" I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who fallowed us here!"

Edward sighed" Jake."

Bella tried to muffle a scream, but failed.
" now we have to go!"

"Edward, we have to save him! I cant let them kill him, Edward, hes my friend!"

"Bella, if we try to save him the Vultari will just kill us all!"

"But Edward!" Bells said screaming.

"I'm sorry Bella, but there's nothing we can do."

Friday, July 11, 2008

Plot #1--The Advance

It was a cloudy day for an outdoor wedding, with the promise of rain lingering on every silver lining. That's not what was bothering her though, she knew that everything was perfect. From the weather to the table settings, they had all scrutinized and adjusted a thousand times over. Bella sighed, surrounded in her marshmallow costume. Today was the day it would all come together, where all the promises started. This clouded Wednesday would decide her destiny.

Memories of the past few weeks drifted slowly through her consciousness. Bella watched helplessly as Alice put together elaborate decorations and planned for the big day. Edward giving her little promises gifts every so often. Her flashy car, who's reputation followed her like a plague. Telling her mother the news, how excited she had been, if only she knew....knew what? That she was marrying the love of her life..and death...would she stop her? Should she stop her? It had happened so fast, maybe...too fast? No, this is what she wanted, right?...What are you doing Bella? Now's not the time...just...just.....The tears were forming, she could feel it, in moments she'd be a sobbing wreck in Alice's arms.

It was going to be alright, Bella thought, like you said, everything is perfect, everyone is here for you, supporting you. Come on, Alice will be right back, what is she going to say if you smear your mascara? Bella chucked to herself.

"Jasper?" Bella called.

Jasper waltzed slowly into the room, a grin lighting his perfect features, "Feeling better?"

Bella sighed, "Yeah...thanks."

"You're welcome." he gestured, "So, where's Alice? I thought she was getting you ready."

Bella smiled, "Oh, trust me, she'll be back. She was mumbling something about hair pins. As if my hair isn't mountainous enough already."

Jasper eyed the mound of hair pinned to her skull, "We should take you hunting."

"Right now?" Bella inquired, "Why?"

"Well, goats are pretty rare." he said, matter of factly, "Who knows, maybe we'd have more with a mountain like that."

The both cracked with laughter. Then, as it died down, Jasper smiled slyly, "Why do let her do this to you?"

Bella sighed, "She threatened to throw out my jeans..."

Jasper, still smiling, "No, seriously?"

"Well you know, it's important to her, I can't take that away." Bella turned towards the closet, "Plus, she knows that if it were up to me, I would be out there in jeans and a ponytail. Who would she be to let me ruin my own wedding?"

"Too true!" Alice announced as she entered the room, a box of hair pins raised in an air of triumph.


Bella's dream ended there, shaken to death in Alices grip.

"What's up?" Bella muttered, checking her watch, "The plane doesn't leave for another hour."

"Something's come up" Alice explained, hurriedly.

Edward smiled, "Why, have a good dream?"

"No, just a memory." She couldn't believe it had only happened yesterday, the dress, the wedding...now they were off, the honeymoon.

Bella turned to Edward, only to see him starring straight at Alice, in....no...could it be?...fear?

"We have to leave." Edward said, getting up, "Now!"

Bella started to get up, "Why?"

"There's not time." Edward muttered as he started hoisting bags into the cart.

Bella sat back down, "Well then, hurry. I'm not leaving until you tell me."

He turned to her "It's just not safe here." then got up, pulling her to his side. "Alice, how long?"

"Less than an hour" warns Alice

"What? Edward!? Tell me what's going on!" Bella screams, alerting people throughout the terminal.

Edward sighs, "We're about to have some visitors." he whispers "We have to get back to the house."

"Who could be coming? Jake? No, he said visitors...then...the whole pack...no, no they wouldn't, not even if Jake told them too. So, why back to the house, what is there at the house...the rest of his family..." Her mind raced, "It couldn't be...the Vultari."

Bella quickly grabbed Edwards outstretched hand and they follow Alice back to the car.

"Alice, where are they now?" Bella sputtered, as she tried to keep up with the racing vampires.

Edward lifted her on his back.

"I don't know, I didn't see a definite location, just woods, so they must be close." Alice said hurriedly, thinking it through as she said it aloud.

"So, what's the plan?" Bella asked, as she situated herself more comfortably over Edwards shoulders.

Edward and Alice stared at each other.

"It's time Bella, we can't wait any longer" Alice sighed.

"What are you saying? You mean they can't wait a couple days...what about..." Bella trailed off, what was she worried about, not to long ago she was entirely ready, just sitting on a bench. Why should it be different now.

"If they get to the house and you're still human..." Edward quickly shoved her into the vehicle, "we're all dead."

Bella's eyes widened, "Then change me now!"

"What? No, you're not ready!" Edward rejected, then whispered, "I'm not ready..."

"We don't have time! Everyone's back there! What if we don't make it in time!? What if we get there after them!?" Bella argued, "What do you think will happen then!?"

Alice looked back, "We have company!"

Edward turned and growled, spotting the shadows racing after the car.

"What!? They're behind us?!" Bella shouted, "Edward it has to be now!"

Edward shook his head, "We don't have time now, Bella, It's not the Vultari." He growled the last few syllables.

Bella could think of only two people who would be chasing down her car...and one was dead.

"Pull over Alice!" Bella called, reaching for the handle. Edward grabbed her hand and Alice kept driving.

"Yeah right, you might get out of there safely, but we're not about to take on a group of werewolves alone." Alice hinted.

She was right, for now, they had to run.

They pulled in through the gates, with the pack close behind. Edward grabbed Bella and started rushing her toward the house, but they knew they wouldn't make it far.

Jake had placed himself firmly between the door and them before they even got out. At least she thought it was Jake. Was that ragged beast, growling before her really the jake she knew, the jake she...loved. Bella watched as it's eyes traveled from Edwards tense face, to her. His eyes were full of...rage?...no..fear, but it wasn't for him. It was Jacob Black alright...but not her jake.

Bella looked away, ashamed, searching for Alice. She found her standing next to the car, her eyes locked with Quill. Everyone was there, from Sam to Emmit. There air was full of growls and panting.

Edward was the first to talk, "We don't have time for this Jacob" his face still hard, "There are some people coming, expecting us to be ready."

Jacob snuffed, "People?! No, you mean more of you." he hissed, "You think we don't know what's coming!?"

Edward growled, "Now is not the time."

"Well, then it seems like there's no time at all then, right?" he accused, "I can't let you go in there."

Edward, now on all-fours, snapped, "I guess we're going to have to do it right here then."

Bella watched the two stare at each other, locked, waiting for the other to make a move.

"What is he doing!? Right here?! Is he crazy?" Bella wondered, "What's he planning?"

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Stephenie Meyer Owns Our Soul

Hey all you fanatics, bloggers and just plain "happen bys",

Welcome to Plots of "the" Plot, if you've read our entry under the title, you know what we do, kudoos to you. Although, even if you know what we do, you don't know why we do it. So, I would advise you read the following, although a lot of it might sound, look and be exactly like what's written above...we've given it a few twists, like added some commas and a few smiley faces...that kinda stuff. =D

We are a group of readers, that in the event that a writer is taking to long to publish their next novel, take their job upon us. Yes, we impersonate them, try and write what we think their plot will be, who will die and who is kissing who. = {|} (It's a chick with big lips, not a monkey, as some of my fellow readers might like to believe...i would never kiss a monkey that looked like that..not that I kissed this...I mean...yeah...chick with big lips.) Anyway, that's basically it, two bored teenagers, who've read all there is to read and have nothing better to do than imagine what they might be reading in the future. We get a thrill out of creating our own plots with existing characters we know and love and hate and then love again...and so forth. Then when the books finally out, our imaginations crumble as we read what really happened and realize how worthless we are compared to these great writers. What can I say, we just can't beat them and even if our plot is better....we just love those darn authors too much... *stares at posters of Stephenie Meyer on the wall*...wwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyy too much.

Recently, there has been an event, where an author has taken way too long to put out her next novel. Even though it's a matter of months since the latest book, let's just say, she's dearly loved. The next book is set to come out August 2, but who can wait that long!? I mean seriously! It's the 10th of JULY!? Pssshhh, no one in their "write" mind, could wait that long without some serious stimulation. So, that's what we're providing, our own fantasies of what could happen, to pass the time. You all know what book we're talking about, you all can't wait for the title to appear on screen, dying to read that name one more time. So, if you don't mind giving us a drum roll.....THE BOOK IS....
*DUN dun DUN...DUN doo doo...LA LA*


Ahhhh...the very sound of it gives me the chills....
We won't make you wait any longer, the next series of posts will be our plots of "the" plot, Numbered and put in order of...whatever came first in our heads...so read on you conspiracy theorists...you'll love it.